5 Tips to Becoming a Great Freelance Photographer

First things first, if you want to BE a successful freelance photographer then the best thing you could possibly do for yourself would be to find an already established freelance photographer and talk to them.

Learn what they did to succeed in the business and mimic their steps to financial success. So many individuals try to do it all on their own that they forget it is always better to just find someone who is already successful and learn from that person!

Second you need to know where to start. Think about what type of photographer you would like to be and then start from there. If you want to be a photographer for runway modeling pictures or for taking celebrity photos, you may want to invest in a top-o-the line camera.

On the other hand if your trying to start smaller and you just want to make some easy money doing something like sending in photos online and getting commissions, then instead of paying a ridiculous amount of money for your camera just get something that is better suited for your needs. No need to over-do it! Try to keep your overhead as low as possible as you start on your way to become a freelance photographer.

The third thing you need to do is to starting taking pictures of Everything! You never know what will turn out to be a good capture. A single photograph can be worth hundreds if you know where to take it, start taking pictures and building your portfolio.

Use the Internet to market, on the hard workers that are serious about how to become freelance photographers often will use a webpage to display their portfolio which can save hundreds on printing costs, which is tremendously helpful if your just starting out.

Another good tip when starting out as a freelance photographer is if you can, try to do a few events for free. If you get really beautiful pictures in your portfolio from someone's wedding or a family reunion, it will look great on your resume and also makes it easier to sell yourself to those markets.

If your having difficulties detecting work then find some opportunities to do special occasions. Once you have beautiful wedding photos in your portfolio it will be easier to sell someone on your ability to take beautiful pictures at their wedding!

Finally, Once you have a decent portfolio GET YOUR PICTURES OUT THERE! This is so important because you could be the BEST nature scene photographer in New York but if no one ever sees your pictures... you get no business! I know some very talented freelance photographers that just did not receive any work because they had no exposure.

Do not be afraid to Market Yourself, you ARE your business!

For those of you that may be shy or you just dread going out and finding business, or maybe you just want to have all the exposure you can get check out programs that will help you get your pictures out there and build a name for yourself while making money at the same time.

Usually for a small one time fee you can have your pictures start making money for you all over the web, and even if you decide freelance photography is not for you, every picture you put online through one of those programs will stay making you money... even if you stop working!

For a great program that will quickly accelerate how fast you start making money in photography Click Here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dick_Richardson

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